Paramount Confirms “Sonic The Hedgehog 3” And New Series

Sonic staring down Knuckles in the Superbowl ad.

Sonic the Hedgehog was a surprise hit for Paramount back in 2020. Video game to film adaptations haven’t had much success, so expectations were low for the project, which was hit early on with negative reactions to the titular characters design. However, a fun script that didn’t take itself to seriously, a solid turn from Ben Schwartz as the voice of the speedster, and Jim Carrey chewing every bit of scenery he could find led to a successful first cinematic outing for the franchise, both in terms for critical reaction and audience turnout.

And Paramount was quick to follow up on that success with a sequel set to release in April of this year. Not content to wait, though, the studio has just announced that Sonic 3 is in active development. What that sequel will look like or when it could release wasn’t announced, though if it follows the same pattern as the sequel, fans should expect it to sometime in Spring of 2024. Specifics likely won’t be released until after the text film drops, and the success of that effort will probably affect how quickly the threequel comes to fruition.

That’s not all, though, as a live-action Sonic the Hedgehog is also currently being developed. The project will directly tie into the films, as it is a spin-off focused on the Idris Elba-voiced Knuckles, who is going to feature in a key role in Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The series is being planned for Paramount+ with the idea being for it to premiere in 2023 and act as something of a bridge between the second film and the planned third, though it’s not clear if any of the other characters will appear as well, or if it will be a Knuckles-only affair.

One thing that’s become abundantly clear is that Paramount has a great amount of faith in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and that so long as the quality of the projects remain up to par, that it has a bright future. The sequel official releases in theaters on 4/8.

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