New “Thrones” Prequel “10,000 Ships” In Development

Game of Thrones is one of the most important IPs for HBO and there have been a number of spin-offs developed since the main series ended its run in lackluster fashion last year. House of the Dragon will be the first to hit screens, and there is set to be an adaptation of the Tales of Dunk and Egg novella series. Now, one more production can be added to the lot, with Amanda Segel (The Good Wife, Person of Interest) set to pen the prequel 10,000 Ships.

The series will take place one-thousand years before the events of A Song of Ice and Fire, which played out in the main Game of Thrones series. The plot will follow Princess Nymeria, who fans might recognize as the inspiration for the name Arya’s direwolf. The proncess will journey with the surviving Rhoynar after their defeat by the Valyrian Freehold in the Second Spice War.

They’ll flee to Essos and eventually settle in southernmost kingdom of Westeros, Dorne. Once there, Nymeria will marry Lord Mors Martell and forge a familial alliance that will see the Martell family rise from minor land barons to the unquestioned rulers of the land. The action will see them wage a war for domination and showcase how they claimed power in Dorne.

This is certainly an interesting tale to focus on, especially considering that Dorne didn’t get much exploration throughout Game of Thrones and was essentially written out in order to focus on other stories during the eight season. Whether this series is replacing one of the other announced spin-offs, or if it is just in addition to them is not yet known. 10,000 Ships, should it move on in development, likely won’t head into any form of active production until House of the Dragon completes filming and hits screen, likely sometime in 2022.

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