Leto Teases The Joker’s “Justice League” Appearance

Actor Jared Leto will next be seen in the long-in-the-works feature, The Little Things, from director John Lee Hancock, and while promoting that film, he was asked about his participation in Zack Snyder’s Justice League miniseries.

Rumors began to swirl in late 2020 that the actor was returning to the DCEU fold for Snyder’s reshoots on the superhero team-up, but there were no specifics provided, and it’s been a little up in the air as to the veracity of the claims. Speaking with Variety, Leto stated:

I may or may not be in this; I’ve heard the rumors too. We’ll have to let Zack [Snyder] confirm or deny that one. I may or may not have shot something with Zack, but I love him, he’s just a maverick and an incredible filmmaker; we get along great and have great chemistry. I look forward to working with him again in the future. We have lots up our sleeves, Zack and I.

While Leto’s take on the Clown Prince of Crime in Suicide Squad left many wanting back in 2016, time has softened many opinions. This is due, in large part, to the fact that the majority of his performance was left on the cutting room floor, so the full picture of what he and director David Ayer were trying to accomplish is unknown. Suicide Squad was plagued with constant and well-documented studio interference, to the point that The Joker’s presence in that film is highly superfluous and had very little effect on the proceedings.

And given the mixed to negative reaction both Suicide Squad and Leto’s interpretation of The Joker received, it’s seems odd for the character to be making a return in a film he wasn’t originally a part of. Even so, excitement is high for the Snyder Cut and the hint of The Joker appearing has seemed to intrigue fans more than anything else.

Whether Leto will actually appear or not still isn’t confirmed, but it seems likely, especially in light if this noncommittal statement. Whatever the case, Justice League is on track to debut on HBO Max in March of 2021, with theatrical release still a possibility.

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