Ethan Hawke To Be The Villain of Marvel’s “Moon Knight”

Marvel Studios has a lot of exciting projects on the horizon. From the currently airing WandaVision series, which is proving somewhat polarizing for audiences, to The Eternals, which is, perhaps, the most obscure and risky property they’ve yet adapted. However, amidst all the grand MCU plans is Moon Knight, which stands as the most intriguing show that’s been announced by Marvel.

Oscar Isaac is set to portray the titular anti-hero, in a series that will likely see the origins of the Marc Specter, a man who becomes a conduit for the Egyptian God of the Moon and then suffers from a form of dissociative identity disorder as a result. Specifics on the plot are being kept under wraps, though, and there hasn’t been any confirmation on what story might be told in the series.

But with production on the show aiming for a March start, Marvel dropped a surprising bit of news for fans. In an inspired bit of casting, Ethan Hawke (Training Day) has been set as the lead villain for project. Which comic book character he’ll be playing, though, wasn’t announced.

If the creators are going to stay close to the source material, though, it’s likely that Hawke will take on the role of Bushman, a friend of Isaac’s Specter, and a fellow mercenary. However, once Marc Specter gains the mystical powers of Moon Knight, Bushman turns on him and becomes his greatest enemy.

And this seems like a perfect fit for Hawke, who’s more known to modern audiences for his indie dramas, such as 2017’s Oscar-contender First Reformed. The actor has an amazing range and would do well in a role that allows him to showcase some of the nuance and an inner turmoil that would go hand-in-hand with a character like Bushman.

Moon Knight will also star May Calamawy, while Mohamed Diab, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead will take on the directing duties. There is not definite airdate for the Disney+ series, it’s likely it could be ready for early 2022, if the March production timetable remains.

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