Zack Snyder Talks “Rebel Moon” Production Scale

Zack Snyder at work

The Zack Snyder-produced Army of Thieves recently dropped on Netflix and proved to be a hit for the streamer, even with the middling reviews and audience response of the previous entry, Army of the Dead. Now, eyes have turned toward when the cult director will jump back behind the camera, with Snyder himself suggesting that it might be the sci-fi epic Rebel Moon.

Moon is an original script based on a failed “Star Wars” pitch and tells the story of a peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy that is threatened by a vicious warlord named Balisarius. However, the colony has one hope of survival: a young woman with a mysterious past that is assembling fighters to fightback against the invading hordes. And, according to the director himself, Rebel Moon will be bigger than anything he’s done to this point in his career, including his DC output.

While speaking with BroBible, Snyder discussed the scale of the project and how it compares to what he’s done already, stating that:

Frankly, what I’m really interested in with Rebel Moon is creating a romantic sci-fi film on a scale that is, frankly, as big as you can make a movie. I’ve never done a science-fiction film at this scale. The beginning of ‘Man of Steel’ on Krypton has pretty big sci-fi elements, but it’s still Krypton and there are certain iconographic things that you have to do. And that’s kind of what we’re doing in ‘Rebel Moon,’ but on the biggest steroids I can give it… [its] a culmination of my love of mythology and my love of giant movies and action and really just epic cinema.

While Snyder certainly seems excited by the project, it is only in the very early planning stage and is years away from being realized. It’s likely that Rebel Moon wouldn’t even be able to move into active production until after Planet of the Dead, the direct sequel to Army of the Dead, which Snyder is presently prepping for his next directorial effort.

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