Zack Snyder Says He Wouldn’t “Survive” Star Wars

Zack Snyder at work

Zack Snyder is one of the most beloved auteur directors working today, with many of his films becoming fan favorites. From 300 to Man of Steel, Snyder has garnered legions of fans. His films have a definite style and that can often lead to a creative clash, as was seen with 2017’s Justice League.

That conflict directly led to the SnyderCut of Justice League finally seeing the light of day, with that film being perceived as much more in keeping with what the director has always done, with plenty of slow motion, epic action, and thoughtful story.

One thing that this episode has set in stone is that Zack Snyder has little to no desire to make films that aren’t Zack Snyder films. Simply put, he won’t tone down or change his style for the sake of any particular franchise. During an interview with The Times, Snyder spoke about this topic at length, and honed in on a particular fan desire to see him direct a project in the Star Wars universe, specifically stating that:

Where it gets difficult is when you take a director with a personal point of view and ask him to participate in a thing that is not asking for that. The journeyman filmmaker? There are a lot of them, and they’re good. I just happen to have a specific point of view. The lesson I’ve learned is it’s much easier for me, as a filmmaker, to create a world and invite you into it. As opposed to me saying, ‘Let me put my cog in your wheel.’ Like, I would love to make a Star Wars movie. I know a lot about it…but I don’t think I would survive that.

While it’s disappointing to hear that Snyder likely won’t ever get a chance to put his stamp on stories from a galaxy, far, far, away, it is refreshing to hear a director be so candid and being willing to sacrifice opportunity in order to stay true to themselves. Snyder isn’t lacking for work, though, as his Netflix feature, Army of the Dead starring Dave Bautista is set to be released in theaters and on the streamer on May 21st.

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