New Godzilla vs. Kong Clip Shows Kong In Chains

Godzilla vs. Kong is one of the most highly anticipated films coming from Warner Bros. in 2021. The project has been shuffled around a lot, though, first because of the muted box office of King of the Monsters, and later because of the pandemic.

However, the kaiju mash-up has a set a solid May release date, while also being set to simultaneously release on HBO Max, much to the chagrin of cinemas. Even so, buzz has been slowly rebuilding and fans are excited to finally experience the epic faceoff between these two monstrous creatures.

And now, at CCXP, Legendary and Warner Bros. have decided to add a little fuel to the fire. The studios dropped a brief clip, which highlights both characters. Godzilla is shown underwater, while the erstwhile King of the Primates is roaring and completely covered in chains. You can check out the clip below:

One of the biggest questions surrounding Godzilla vs. Kong is what will bring the two monsters together. Many have assumed that Kong will seek to challenge for the title of King, as Godzilla became the clear alpha monster, after soundly defeating King Ghidorah in King of the Monsters.

While this quick look at the feature doesn’t give any definitive answers, there is a clue of sorts. Specifically, why would Kong be covered in chains? This obviously points to a human element. Perhaps Kong is being forced to confront Godzilla, rather than attacking of his own volition? After all, it would be somewhat out of character for the character, whose motive has always been to just protect his home.

This does make some sense and provides a glimpse into what the humans of the story are up, which has also something of a mystery. Charles Dance’s villain did reclaim one of Ghidorah’s severed heads, so it’s clear he has grand plans. But how the involve Kong and/or target Godzilla likely won’t be known until Godzilla vs. Kong releases. But what do you think? Are Dance and his ecoterrorist compatriots going to be responsible for this monster showdown? Sound off in the comments!

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