Dave Bautista Talks Comparisons With The Rock

Dave Bautista has as established an extremely eclectic resume over the last few years. He first came to prominence as part of the ensemble for Guardians of the Galaxy, portraying Drax the Destroyer. Since then, though, he’s expanded into more dramatic roles, featuring in films like Blade Runner 2049 and Spectre.

However, Bautista wasn’t always a movie star. In fact, his first bit of recognition came from pro wrestling. He worked for the WWE for over a decade and became a six-time world champion with the organization. As such, he’s often compared to other performers who’ve done the same, notably Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and John Cena.

However, Bautista doesn’t really like that comparison and he doesn’t want to be considered a wrestler-turned-actor. Speaking with JoBlo.com, Bautista touched on the comparisons with The Rock and how he wants to be seen, specifically stating that:

No, I don’t mean that as a dig on him [The Rock], but you know how he is as a character. He feels very professional wrestling to me. I don’t want to be that guy. I want to be an actor. I want to act, I want people to judge me for my acting, my subtlety. I want to take roles that require that. I don’t want to be a big action guy who just says cool shit and kills a lot of people and gets the girl. I don’t want to be that guy. I want to guy that makes people cry, who makes people think, who inspires people. I want to be a dramatic actor. I just love it. I love acting.

It makes sense that the Bautista is so adamant that he not be compared with The Rock, given that their careers got started in such similar fashions. In order to maintain his success, he’d have to carve out a path of his own. And he’s certainly doing that, which each role he’s taken providing a different kind of task. Bautista can next be seen in Netflix’s Army of  the Dead.

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