Could The X-Men’s Mystique Be Heading To The MCU?

There has been a lot of announcements regarding the future of Marvel’s shared cinematic universe. Most of the news has revolved around Spider-Man 3, with characters such as Daredevil, as well as both previous iterations of the webslinger, set to be included in the production. However, there is a new rumor swirling about that could have huge ramifications on the MCU. It is being reported by Patreon that Jennifer Lawrence could be reprising her X-Men role as Mystique.

It’s been said that Mavel’s boss, Kevin Feige, is very high on the actress and wants to see her return. How this could happen, especially given that she died in Dark Phoenix, is anyone’s guess. While this is certainly exciting, it should, nonetheless, be taken with a heavy grain of salt. There has been very little update on how mutants will be integrated into the established universe, beyond news that Deadpool would definitely be getting another sequel that’s also a part of the MCU.

Going further, the Fox-era X-Men films were very hit or miss. While there are some true classics, like Days of Future Past and X2: United, there is also Apocalypse and X3: The Last Stand. Given the somewhat lackluster memories many of those movies invoke, it’s been speculated that Marvel would want to distance themselves from those interpretations.

However, Jennifer Lawrence is still one of the most popular actresses on the planet and her portrayal of the misguided sometimes hero, sometimes villain Mystique was always seen as exceptional. It makes a certain amount of sense that Feige would want to keep the best parts of what was established when Fox ran the X-Men, while conveniently ignoring the rest. Lending even more credence to this is the fact that Evan Peters is purportedly appearing in WandaVision as Pietro/Quicksilver, which would provide some connective tissue between the two disparate universes.

Either way, there has been no official confirmation from anyone regarding this particular rumor, so, for now, it remains that. But what do you think? Do you want to see Jennifer Lawrence reprising her role of Mystique in the MCU? Follow us on Twitter @FilmIronic to never miss a thing!

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