WB Montreal Delays “Batman: Gotham Knights” To 2022

Comic book video games have always been something of a mixed bag. There are some definite classics, like X-Men Legends and, more recently, the Injustice series. However, one of the titles that almost all gamers agree is the top tier is the Batman: Arkham series, which began in 2009 with Arkham City, though the franchise has been dormant since 2015’s Arkham Knight, which adapted the fan-favorite Red Hood storyline.

And while that franchise is seemingly complete, that doesn’t mean that Batman games are just done. Developer WB Montreal has been actively working on Batman: Gotham Knights, announcing the title in August of last year, which may not directly tie in to the Arkham games, but it will be heavily inspired by its predecessors, with similar aesthetics and gameplay.

However, it seems that the studio needs more time, as WB Montreal has pushed the game to an unknown date in 2022. The announcement came through the game’s official social media channels with Warners specifically stating that they are “giving the game more time to deliver the best possible experience for players.”

The plot of the game is set to follow Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin as they team up to fight the villains of Gotham in the wake of Bruce Wayne’s apparent death. The nefarious Court of Owls was set to be the main antagonists of the project.

While this is certainly a disappointing turn of events, it’s definitely good to hear that WB would rather delay and put out a quality product. After all, WB Montreal’s first Batman title, Arkham Origins, is widely considered to be the weakest of the Arkham series, with many outright dismissing it as part of the proper franchise, which was originally developed by Rocksteady.

Even with the delay, though, excitement is high for Batman: Gotham Knights, which looks to have a few more multiplayer opportunities. Hopefully the extra time will allow the game to coalesce into something worthy of the Arkham series.