Marvel Announces New “Iron Man” Game With EA

The arc reactor of Iron Man shines in the darkness.

In a surprise announcement, Marvel announced yesterday that they are partnering with EA’s Motive Studio, which is is currently at work on the highly anticipated Dead Space remake, on a brand-new Iron Man game that will be a third-person action-adventure and focus heavily on a single-player gameplay, as opposed to the more genre dominant multiplayer formats. Production will be lead by Olivier Proulx Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

The game is in very early development, so don’t expect it anytime soon. Of note, it appears that the creative team are looking to craft a compelling story that will anchor the project, ala recent hits like The Last of Us, which found great success and acclaim because of its enthralling story. The narrative will apparently deal with the storied history of Iron Man, with particular focus given to the nature of dual identities and the unique and eccentric character that is Tony Stark.

In a statement to Marvel regarding the process, Proulx said:

We have a great opportunity to create a new and unique story that we can call our own. Marvel is encouraging us to create something fresh. We have a lot of freedom, which is so engaging for the team.

The Iron Man game is supposedly just the first in a series of collaborations between between Marvel and Electronic Arts, though there were no reveals as to which character could be next in line for a video game adaptation. However, the X-Men franchise seems primed for some kind of new game iteration. Motive Studio releasing in January.

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